DAC and Transports Forum

  Thread Last Poster Posts Last Post
DAC Magic 200twordor26@gmail.com4
How to actually convert to digital..use a reciever?Lewis-H6
BlueTooth DongleLewis-H2
DAC Under 100$ - Suggestionduleca6
110 degrees of heat and the thermometer's stuckFaheem Iqbal2
Marantz NA8005Jan Vigne2
Musical Fidelity V-DAC MKIILeon Thomas9
New M51 Masters Series NAD DACDavid Mitchell10
CA DacMagic Plus Filtersleo stierer4
Wireless DAC for PC audioleo stierer5
Hi-rez?David Mitchell3
New DACMagic+leo stierer23
Modern BlueTooth?leo stierer1
More new DACs - Audiolab, Exposure, Arcamleo stierer11
New Computer Based Audio System (Finally)Jan Vigne87
Peachtree DACStu Pitt2
HRT iStreamerNick K32
Rega DAC Impressions/ReviewChris H192
HRT Music StreamerNick K170
Simaudio Supernova as a hi-rez DACbluemark816
DAC for iMac and Rotel 1520m19821
NAD dac-1unbridled id8
DAC ShootoutChris H1
"Good CDP w/ Good DAC" vs. "OK CDP w/ Better DAC?"David Mitchell5
Neko Audio D100Lifes_rich_pageant3
NAD Music StreamerNick K30
BDA-1 Inbound!Nick K23
IMac-DACpeter thonen11
W4S DAC-1Art46
NuForce Icon HDP David Mitchell2
Any experience with the Moon 100D?David Mitchell6
Convert 8mm Analog to Digital DVDleo stierer2
Audiophile RAM and SSD 1GB? Low wattageJan Vigne7
How much for a good DAC?leo stierer2
New BDP-1 from BrystonDavid Mitchell30
Which DAC would you chose?Dan L.19
New Rega DACStu Pitt172
Need help from the computer gurus!leo stierer33
Interesting DAC ComparisonDakulis9
What's the DAC Deal?David Mitchell35
Bryston BDA-1 DACDavid Mitchell165
The Future...The QLS QA-350 solid state transport Nick K25
MSB Full Nelson Link III with P1000 power base.David Mitchell19
Which DAC you would choose? naim,benchmark or cyrusStu Pitt45
Experimenting with DACMagicNick K45
Rotel RDD980 and RDP980Nuck5
MHDT DACs and dCsNuck7
I was going to get a dac until.....sean92
Oppo DV-980H with Cambridge Audio DACMagicleo stierer21
Not all transports sound the same? NAD 542 vs Rega ApolloNuck12
Successful experimentsean9
Multichannel DACs with balanced outputsTonyM1
Dedicated cd player vs dvd player as a transport to Dacmagic. Nuck22
Word Clock benefitsTonyM1
Great DAC + a very good amp free or vice versa ?M.R.4
Digital RecordingL. Spiro1
HRT+ or Beresford TC7520?Mordecai1
Beresford TC-7510 DAC - New kid on the block Abdulla9
Spdif female input damageDavid Mitchell2
Meridian M 500 TransportChuck Smith2
DAC SuperPro USBDavid Mitchell17
Music hall DAC25.2Nuck9
Using TDA1541A as ADC with pcTinsae Berhane1
Burson dac & OpampsDennis Dunne1
Channel Islands VDA-2Chris H23
Super Pro USB 707 and FoobarKirk M3
New Cambridge Audio DACDavid Mitchell3
Help on PC to DAC to Stereo snapcat39
Digital Audio Experimentleo stierer3
What about these DAC's. andrew coleman1
The digital worldJan Vigne3
Wadia 64.4 D/A ConverterChris Koffend4
DAC TDA1541 Matthew1
CA 840c as DACleo stierer1
Sampling Rate on DACEddie Man1
Can i attach old speaker wires to 1/4" cable to plug into presonus ...elizabeth merriman1
Transporter with Modwright Truths mods vs. other options?Hc2
Fubar IIIDavid Mitchell5
Bel Canto Dac 2Marc25
TC-7510 DACPatrick Stockton2
Trends UD-10 USB Audio ConverterDavid Ho4
Wadia 20 CD Transportmyself2
Suggesetions for an external dac @$500 give or takemnr32
DA Conversion: HDMI cable into a stereo receiver?Riley1
Counterintuitive DAC specs vs. soundJoan Wayne1
DAC causing annoying humNuck6
Budget transport to replace oppo 970Ravin M1
Dead DACNuck5
Which DAC is better?Anita8
Which transport is better?Nuck5
Need descrambler for dish netStephen M.2
Digital optical to analog RCA convertermike w3
Clarion DXZ835MP "Error 6" messageNick4
New MF X-DacV8 with tubes.Rav Bains2
Cheap Tube based DACbill mcvail3
Bitdepth for DACNuck5
Incredible DACsJan Vigne4
Stupid question about transport...why is it important?Frosty25
New LehmanNuck1
Should I buy the Cambridge Audio Azur 640C V2 or a external DAC for...Birgir Freyr Birgiss1
ClockingRavinder Bains2
To DAC or not to DAC ? Really need some advise.Frank Abela3
Classe DAC&TransportNuck21
The Ultimate DAC for Jitter Correction ?!Anselmo D. Castillo2
What dtermines DAC and DSP quality in surround receivers?Ravinder Bains3
Cambridge- DacMagic 2i vs S700 IsoMagicLuke Fitzmaurice1
Diferent audiolab 8000dacPaulo Matias2
SqueezeboxRavinder Bains4
U.S frequency to European frequency in clarion dxz835mpjames1
M-Audio soundcard to Rotel Pre/Pro?Jeff S1
High-end CD Player with 400GB and WiFicory1
DVD Player and External DACJan Vigne15
Anyone heard the Bel Canto DAC 2?Bvan1
Converting LP's to CDpjk9
Inexpesive DACHieu Phan25
Theta Ds-pre still viable?Anonymous1
No sound when recording tape to cdCarlene Rudd2
Rca analog audio to digital audio converter?Jan Vigne5
Micromega transport/dps? dacklootzak2
How much will an external DAC help?J Pi4
Music from PC to Stereo Systembrandon adams2
Which Home Theatre model to buy from ONKYOMathad Arun1
Dvd digital out to analog 4.1 speaker systemanshul1
Older DACS with newer CDP'sJames P1
Alpine CDE-7870, power but no soundJames Lee3
DVD / CD Player Quality with Digital OutJames Lee3
Do i really need one?Eric Ramsey4
Audio Alchemy DDE 2.0Puff1
Please explain old specs vs newmikejdewalt@yahoo.co4
Digital Sound Card out -> DAC -> Analog Receiver? (inexpensive)...Jake_Sanchez12
DAC - use that of cd player or that of A/V receiver?S.Nataraj4
What surround to get for a xbox?Wolf1
Radio/Phono --------PCevert1
Shanling cdt100 CDP - upgradeanis affandi1
Panasonic He-75Alejandro Quiroga1
Amp information overloadMark Payne1
Breaking each channel of digital surround into an individual RCA si...Jared Mercier2
What DAC does the Sony DVP-NC685v use?Arnold Layne2
DAC output muting relay causing nasty clickAnynamewilldo1
2 channel dac redbook cd'sMark Curtis4
Finest external DAC under $2500?Mark Curtis5
@@@ Rega planet 2000 vs. D/A Musical Fidelity A3-24 @@@Mark Curtis2
Battery powered DAC3m3rson1


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