My little HT slice of heaven.


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Username: Rlogle

United States

Post Number: 1
Registered: Apr-06
Okay guy's and gal's here it is, my little slice of heaven. Still got some work to do on hiding the wires, but man, I'm in love with this TV.


Gold Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 7349
Registered: Dec-03
Nice TV. The TV is screaming for a receiver and speaker upgrade:-)

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Username: Rlogle

United States

Post Number: 2
Registered: Apr-06
Any ideas? I'm looking at some infinity Primus 160 bookshelf speakers or maybe Infinity Total Solutions TSS-450 - Home theater speaker system. Everyone thinks I'm crazy when I say that the Aiwa I have now sounds so much better than any HTIB that I've bought. I haven't been able to get the surround or bass from any other system that I get from this.

Gold Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 7351
Registered: Dec-03
Dude, if you like it, who cares, right?

What other HTIB have you bought? Either way, I don't think you want to go the HTIB route. You may want to get a receiver and separate speakers. Do you have a budget in mind?

New member
Username: Rlogle

United States

Post Number: 3
Registered: Apr-06
You're right about who care's. I keep thinking that I could get better sound from something more modern. I've had a coupla' the Sony "Dream Systems". I've tried a Bose, Panasonic. I guess my problem with buying seperate receiver and speakers is just not knowing what to get. I just bought some magazines and been looking and reading on the web trying to figure it out. Thanks for the advice.

Gold Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 7387
Registered: Dec-03
Sony, Bose and Panasoninc are not really upgrades...more like a lateral movement.

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Username: Magnus99m

Cedar Rapids, IA United States

Post Number: 2
Registered: Apr-06
It's all a matter of personal preference. You don't need to spend thousands of dollars on "top of the line" speakers and a receiver if you don't like the sound quality. If you have a limited budget, a HTIB system can work just fine and still produce superb sound quality. Amount of space doesn't appear to be a major concern. However, when selecting a system, you need to make sure it has enough inputs/outputs to support your other components. JVC puts out some reasonably priced HTIB systems that will probably produce the sound quality you are looking for and also accomodate your existing components and them some. If you are looking for one with a DVD player included, some things to keep in mind are progressive scan (pretty much standard now), surround sound capabilities(dolby digital, DTS, etc), up conversion, and HDMI ports.
On the other hand, if budget isn't truly a concern, you might want to go with a Bose 7.1 surround sound receiver and a separate Bose speaker package. Bose offers superb sound quality as well as almost unlimited options on their receivers. Find the right receiver with the right amount of options and you're golden.

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Irvington, New York USA

Post Number: 1118
Registered: May-05
"On the other hand, if budget isn't truly a concern, you might want to go with a Bose 7.1 surround sound receiver and a separate Bose speaker package. Bose offers superb sound quality as well as almost unlimited options on their receivers."

I don't mean to sound obnoxious or start a flame war that has happened far too many times here, but Bose isn't anywhere near what you claim it is. For less money, you could get far better sounding and built gear. My best advice - price a Bose Lifestyle system, then go to a local hi-fi shop (read NOT Best Buy, Circuit City, etc) and see what you can get for the same amount, and less. If you honestly think Bose gives you more for your hard earned dollar, buy it with no regrets. Just don't buy Bose because everyone says they're the best. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.

Before buying any Bose products, please read this -

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Username: Magnus99m

Cedar Rapids, IA United States

Post Number: 4
Registered: Apr-06
As a personal opinion, I have never been disappointed in anything that I have either owned or seen/heard from Bose. Certainly everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I'm also not going to doubt that someone else may find something that they feel is better than Bose.
I wouldn't buy anything just because someone else said it was "the best". I would certainly do some shopping around and find what I felt to be the best value for the money that I have to spend.
What I offered up as advice was simply that - advice. Take it at face value and spend yor hard earned money any way that you deem fit.

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Irvington, New York USA

Post Number: 1120
Registered: May-05
Jacob -

Thanks for not taking my post the wrong way. Their are too many agruements about how people feel about Bose. If you've compared Bose to other worthy contenders and have determined that they're the right speaker for you, then no one should be able to tell you anything different. As I stated previously, buy with no regrets.

New member
Username: Magnus99m

Cedar Rapids, IA United States

Post Number: 5
Registered: Apr-06
There are people that would argue for a particular brand until the day that they die. I'm not one of them. It's just not that important and also, as previously stated, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Bronze Member
Username: Willieman


Post Number: 43
Registered: Jun-06
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