Snakes on a plane


Bronze Member
Username: Austin19

Enola, Pennsylvania America

Post Number: 22
Registered: Aug-06
snakes on a plane was great ...go see it. its not the kind of movie thats gonna win an award but its funny as hell and scary at the same time.

Gold Member
Username: Basshead86

Google is your Friend, FL

Post Number: 5228
Registered: Aug-05
......i am not afraid of CGI snakes. lol sorry

that and wtf are snakes doing on a plane???

it just looks really conry to me...ancondas really wore out the whole "scary snakes" thing for me.:-(

Gold Member
Username: Dustin3

Tigard, OR U.S.

Post Number: 3316
Registered: Oct-05
me too. i looked at it, and wondered how it would be worth seeing. and "scary"

i think if ur afraid of snakes, then you might find it scary. i'm not afraid of them

Silver Member
Username: Bigsim

NSW Australia

Post Number: 193
Registered: Jan-06
I wanna see it... what's it about?

Kidding :-)

Bronze Member
Username: Austin19

Enola, Pennsylvania America

Post Number: 24
Registered: Aug-06
If u don't want to see it then don't ..and it dosen't scare me its just startling when a snake jumps out of nowhere and bites a guys tongue off...and i thought anacondas wore out the whole snake thing to but i was surprised to see that this movie was actually worth watching if not for the snakes then just for the sake of watching gruesome shi.t happen to helpless people.

Gold Member
Username: Basshead86

Google is your Friend, FL

Post Number: 5425
Registered: Aug-05
lol. ok:-)

Bronze Member
Username: Jedi1

Post Number: 11
Registered: Aug-06
can anybody tell what is the production budget for the movie "snake on a plane"???
i watched this movie, CGI snake looked real. this movie is specially produced for all the SNAKE FANS.

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 10655
Registered: Dec-03
This one was well marketed. Heck even Sam Jackson really promoted the stuffing out of this movie.

Gold Member
Username: Thx_3417


Post Number: 1541
Registered: May-05
"Snakes why did it have to be snakes"?

Gold Member
Username: Thx_3417


Post Number: 1542
Registered: May-05
This I have to rent when it becomes available on region 2 DVD later this year.

Hisss. Call me Snake!

Gold Member
Username: Redliner

Wilmington, Ma

Post Number: 2362
Registered: Jun-05
i dont know i just cant see wasting my money on this movie just seems stupid the snakes lok fake in the trailer and you already know what happens its kinda like bats or some movie like that. when u already know whats going to happen

Bronze Member
Username: Austin19

Enola, Pennsylvania America

Post Number: 40
Registered: Aug-06
You guys are takin this to seriously...i said it's not the kind of movie thats gonna win an award but it's good. I never said that it was the best movie i've ever seen and it's gonna win best picture at the academy awards.

Silver Member
Username: Bigsim

NSW Australia

Post Number: 205
Registered: Jan-06
I saw it yesterday, and I enjoyed it. It had snakes, and they were on a plane, so I got what I expected :-)

Gold Member
Username: Thx_3417


Post Number: 1555
Registered: May-05
CGI snakes don't bite! The real thing does!

Silver Member
Username: Cavsmaxima

New York United States

Post Number: 827
Registered: Aug-06
never seen but who decides to make a movie called snakes on a plane? And liek Muddy said why are snakes on a plane anyway.

Silver Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Chicago, Illinois USA

Post Number: 216
Registered: Oct-06
watch closely at the end when they're getting off the plane by way of the big emergency slide. The fat black guy (Keenan from SNL) slides down the slide and off the plane...and then in the very next shot back on the plane, he is waiting in line to slide down.....

just like noticing those things; in all seriousness though this movie was surprisingly worth the ticket price...Samuel L Jackson has a few lines that are HILARIOUS, and the movie is just entertaining and fun the whole way through

Silver Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Chicago, Illinois USA

Post Number: 217
Registered: Oct-06
oh didn't see muddy's question till just now... DO NOT READ IF YOU DONT WANT GENERAL PLOT GIVEN AWAY...

The plane is carrying a passenger who witnessed some japanese mobster dudes kill his father. He is on his way to testify against them and is accompanied by a special agent (Samuel L. Jackson) as well as other security; since the mobsters can't get directly to him they try to kill him by putting hundreds of poisonous snakes in the cargo area in some kinda container that opens on a time release.

Silver Member
Username: Cavsmaxima

New York United States

Post Number: 838
Registered: Aug-06
ok well that makes some sense, but they could of came up with a better title.

Silver Member
Username: Cavsmaxima

New York United States

Post Number: 839
Registered: Aug-06
somehting a little more creative

Bronze Member
Username: Austin19

Enola, Pennsylvania America

Post Number: 78
Registered: Aug-06
Thank you 2000CrownVicP. its about time someone actually saw the movie and didn't think i was a dumb for startin this thread. I told them it was a good movie but since it had like the most unoriginal title i've heard in a while they pretty much just made fun of me. and yea sam L. jackson has some funny lines.

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 12043
Registered: Dec-03
Sam L. Jackson...nuff sed! Even if the critics hate it, I'll watch it because of Jackson.

Bronze Member
Username: Magfan

Post Number: 37
Registered: Oct-07
Did anyone notice the Microwave setting?
Just seeing if you are paying attention.
Give up? Slo-mo thru the scene where the cabin
attendent fries (nukes, actually) the snake
chasing him into the galley.
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