My Theater in my bedroom


New member
Username: Llsht14

Post Number: 2
Registered: Jan-07
Ok well im 17 years old and i have been setting up a theater in my room. Not done yet though. Still waiting for my Polk rti 10 and lsi center channel to get here. But this is my setup as of right now.

New member
Username: Llsht14

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jan-07
Denon Avr-2106
Xbox 360
Jbl tlx 181 fr/fl
Yamaha ns-ac200 center channel
Bose 201 surrounds
Infinity Ps-12 Subwoofer
Klh 120watt 10inch subwoofer
4 pioneer 800watt 12" subwoofers
32" scott lcd tv

Silver Member
Username: Arande2

400dB could probably d..., SouthWest Mi... Too Many DBs...

Post Number: 766
Registered: Dec-06
Well I'm going to compare it to what I have.

Remember I have a more limited budget because I'm younger.

Your Denon beats my receiver by a little.
Of course I don't have an Xbox 360 or Ps3, just an Xbox.
Nice gaming system.

Your Jbls are almost the same as my mains except mine are 10-300 watts recommended, has a 91 dB sensitivity, and has 12s instead of 10s, cool.

I don't have a center, but yours looks ok with 2 6.5" woofers and that microcell tweeter. I plan to get a center when I can afford one.

I'm not going to make much of a comment on the Bose, except they should sound fine(mine sound ok). I'm currently using JBL 4311's as my L/R surrounds and a Bose model 100 as my back surround.

Well from your subs I can tell that you're like me and like bass (maybe not the same type though). I just recently purchased a Paradigm Seismic 10 and it's pretty weird how thunderous it is for the size. It may be a couple years before I can get a job, but I still save up.

The TV is bigger and nice than mine. We've had ours (27" tube) since I was like 4 I think.

I'm sure those Polks you'll be getting in will sound just fine, just fine.

Overall, your amplification obviously beats my Yamaha's. Your current mains are about equal to mine, but your new ones should sound better. I don't even have a center, so how can I comment?? In extension, my surrounds beat yours, but in the sound field, yours have a more desirable field shape (Direct/Reflect).

Well, in bass, I'm pretty sure you have me beat in volume, except maybe (maybe maybe) below 25hz. I think I have you beat ratiowise with just 10" driver, plus lower distortion. I'm sure that's a nice picture.

The Bottom Line ---->______<----(There) Good Job on that and it makes me wish I had more money (what can you expect at my age?).

New member
Username: Llsht14

Post Number: 5
Registered: Jan-07
Any one have any suggestions on what i should change or do somthing to it?

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 12434
Registered: Dec-03
Why do you feel the need to change anything?

What do you think needs improvement and what do you want from your system? First determine what you think is lacking, set up a budget and then go from there.

New member
Username: Llsht14

Post Number: 6
Registered: Jan-07
well.....there isnt much of a budget.....i can spend from 50 bucks to 5,000 if i want. I dont really feel its lacking anything. Execept for being neat looking. I was going to add a velodyne minivee sub. I mean its not the nicest looking setup. Theres wires out in the open and stuff. Im sure i could use some ideas to clean that up a little bit.

New member
Username: Llsht14

Post Number: 7
Registered: Jan-07
andre, i looked at ur pics......i dont belive u have me beat in any aspect lol

Silver Member
Username: Arande2

400dB could probably d..., SouthWest Mi... Too Many DBs...

Post Number: 798
Registered: Dec-06
Pics?? Did I ever post pics? I still need a camera. I probably don't beat you in any aspect lol, I hate being too young to have a real job.

New member
Username: Llsht14

Post Number: 8
Registered: Jan-07
Andre i by pics i meant i went and looked at pics of the models you had posted and i feel that all my equipment beats yours.

New member
Username: Llsht14

Post Number: 9
Registered: Jan-07
Here are some pics of my setup.....messy but its loud.

Silver Member
Username: Arande2

400dB could probably d..., SouthWest Mi... Too Many DBs...

Post Number: 799
Registered: Dec-06
Obviously! Wait what exactly are those under the JBL's? Well, I still really like my 4311's (I still would prefer them over a lot of JBL products today)! They're in really good shape and sound great, especially for being like 35 years old lol. I think they might deserve to be the mains instead.

New member
Username: Llsht14

Post Number: 10
Registered: Jan-07
Those are Jbl Mpro dual 15" speakers......and boy to they pump out the bass!!!!!!

Silver Member
Username: Arande2

400dB could probably d..., SouthWest Mi... Too Many DBs...

Post Number: 801
Registered: Dec-06
I bet! I can tell you're into bass like me.

Man I swear, when I get a job...

Bronze Member
Username: Llsht14

Post Number: 12
Registered: Jan-07
lol yea......i dont have a job either......well except im a full time mobile dj and i make about 40,000 a year at the age of 17 doing that haha.

Silver Member
Username: Gamerdude

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 365
Registered: Apr-06
Gotta love those 4 pioneers dam thats looks nice!

Whats running them?

Bronze Member
Username: Llsht14

Post Number: 18
Registered: Jan-07
a mono subwoofer plate amp
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