Comments on: Volumio’s Motivo Music Streamer Offers Two Headphone Outputs and Support For I2S/DSD over HDMI everything hi-fi Sat, 04 May 2024 06:40:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: ORT Fri, 03 May 2024 02:47:12 +0000 At first glance it reminds me of the Logitech Squeezebox Touch. Touche’ Volumio. No harm in reminding many of us of our first Music Steamer. I still own a Squeezebox Radio but it really no longer works as it is long since abandoned by Logitech.

Given that I own and use several Internet capable radios and tuners (by Grace Digital and Denon HEOS) that cost me a LOT less than would this Voumio, I am certain that unless I suddenly become stoopid wealthy (I’d even take stupid healthy right now!) I shall not become an owner of this plainly attractive device.

Simply beautiful and beautifully simple. Or so one would hope. It is nice looking. I look forward to reading more about it and wish the company well.

