Are you ready for some home theater excitement? The Axiom Audio Epic 80 home theater 5.1 speaker package delivers. Retailing for $2,413 (US), this package is a bargain for what you get.
Big speakers, bigger room
You better have some space for the tower M80ti floor standing main speakers. The VP150 center speaker is also quite large (for a center speaker) but it fit nicely atop our rear projection TV. The QS-8 quadpolar multi-directional surrounds are small, but heavy and should be mounted to the wall. The dual ported EP350 subwoofer was placed in the corner of our testing room. Speaker build quality was solid. All speakers have gold-plated binding post connectors. Each unit arrived in perfect condition.
Warning: This system plays loud
This system rocks! Whatever DVD we tested on this system it consistently played clean, with tons of detail at all volumes. Want to crank up the volume? These speakers can handle it and can be played at dangerously high listening levels with no audible distortion. Some of the shotgun firing scenes from T2 (Terminator 2) sounded so real, your neighbors will be calling the cops.
Smooth as silk
Front to back, and side to side sound transitions were smooth and seamless. The QS-8 surrounds do an excellent job of enveloping the listener. Without looking at them you would never be able to pinpoint their placement or predict their compact size.
A musical rumble
The low frequency producing EP350 powered subwoofer produces a clean tight bass. It doesn’t play as low as some other subwoofers but its output was nonetheless enjoyable. Also, it is a perfect complement to the M80ti’s. The EP350 subwoofer seemed to pick up the low frequencies right where the M80ti main speakers rolled off. This effect added a clean bass punch
while never revealing its placement.
More than just talk
The VP150 center speaker produced clear detailed dialogue, while never appearing strained during musical sequences. I chose to place this speaker above the TV, but its unique design lets it be flipped over and placed under the TV.
What does it all mean
This is one heck of a home theater speaker system, at relatively a bargain price for how it sounds. I haven’t heard anything else in its price range that comes close to this level of performance.
Remember I am just one man with one opinion. If you own this system, or have a comment or question feel free to add your thoughts below.
Brian Mitchell
Founder & CEO