Comments on: Cambridge Audio’s CXA81 MKII Integrated Amplifier Stays Below $1,200: AXPONA 2024 everything hi-fi Mon, 15 Apr 2024 23:11:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: ORT Mon, 15 Apr 2024 23:11:41 +0000 Well said, brother David! Well said, indeed!

HUZZAH for color and brightness adjust ability on the VU Meters and you are correct again on HDMI ARC (and perhaps eARC?)!


By: David Mon, 15 Apr 2024 00:07:59 +0000 VU meters. I’m with you on that, ORT. It would be a very aesthetically pleasing unit with the addition of some bouncing needles and a lovely glowing light. Though I would further suggest, since we are being needy here, make those lights adjustable in color and intensity. Even further, let’s not forget the decadent and oh so enticing cherry on top – HDMI ARC, please.

By: ORT Sun, 14 Apr 2024 02:44:11 +0000 It needs VU Meters. Now. Before it is ever released upon the buying publice. Looks matter and all this needs to complete its look are a pair of working VU Meters.

Some might say “No one records anymore, ORT. Who needs VU Meters?” I say “The real audio enthusiasts with the wherewithal to buy one of these beauties, that’s who?!

And to those that claim “…VU meters introduce “noise” into the playback!” I say, “STIU you frAudiophile”!! No one believes your stupid lies anymore!”

Looks matter. If one can hardly tell the REAL WORLD difference between integrated amps, then I say “…show them the difference. CLASSIC LOOKS!”

