Comments on: Pro-Ject X2 B Turntable: Review everything hi-fi Sat, 02 Mar 2024 19:40:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: ORT Sat, 17 Feb 2024 16:07:03 +0000 I listened to a Music Hall Stealth. I was at a show and saw one and proceeded to gimp over to have a listen. I asked how much it weighed in at and was told “Around 24.2230876lbs”.

I then lifted it up and placed it beside my left ear (my golden ear!) and urged the folks in the hall to STFU so I could better hear this ‘table…Nothing! Not even so much as a seagull let alone the gentle pounding of the surf at Bird Rock in La Jolla, CA. Yes that is the frAudiophile’s litmus test of Top ‘table TranZcendency* and the Music Hall failed miserably.

Oddly enough I dropped by later and there was music being played that sounded magnificent! I asked what turntable was being used to produce such musicalifragelisticexpeallidociousness and was told…”The Music Hall Stealth”. Perhaps the table I lisened to was broken or just defective and I asked if that were so and was told, “Nope. We just hooked it up into this setup and plugged it in, put on a record and dropped the needle.”

Imagine that. I gnu they were lying and vowed to check cereal numbers to confirm my unbiased fact based free flowing fluid suspicions.

Yeah. I can be an asshole but never a whole ass. I have seen the Music Hall and the Pro-Ject ‘tables and I like the looks of both but prefer the latter due to the platter. The original Platters were the bestest. “Heaven shades of night are falling…”

Speaking of which, I too like mine to be DD too! Shallow Hal needs a gal…


*The T-3 test denotes the ultimate in VTA/WTF Fluidity that allows a ‘table to morph to fit the listeners mood, much like the T-1000 in “Terminator 2”. It means it always sounds righteous, correct? Damn straight?!

Only if you want it to be.

By: Ian White Sat, 17 Feb 2024 15:29:05 +0000 In reply to João.

Have you listened to it? Both tables at the same time?

Never start a conversation with “I doubt” unless you have spent time examining both sides. The Music Hall Stealth could be great — but I’ve never heard it.


Ian White

By: João Sat, 17 Feb 2024 15:07:32 +0000 I doubt that this turntable could be better than the MUSIC HALL STEALTH that costs 1300eur, and it is direct drive.

By: Ian White Thu, 15 Feb 2024 03:15:39 +0000 In reply to ORT.


The “balanced” option makes a huge difference, but you need to use a balanced phono and pre-amp to really hear the difference. The boldness and larger soundstage kinda freaked me out. I’ve been told that this deck can sound even better with higher-end MCs than the ones I have at my disposal. I don’t think that makes sense as a practical buying decision. If a really good $500 MC on this table doesn’t sound good enough for people — they need to get out more.


By: ORT Thu, 15 Feb 2024 01:26:52 +0000 Gorgeous!

I have the Pro-Ject X2 with the Sumiko Moonstone cartridge and the reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally thick acrylic platter. It is heavy for a ‘table and is without a doubt my favourite.

I have a cork platter mat with the cover art from Sinatra’s “Come Fly With Me” embedded on it. So neato!

I got it for very little, really. But I also bought two other ‘tables at around the same time, both Beatles Editions by Pro-Ject so I spent more than I normally would on my self. I am not worth it, I know bu I am shallow so all 3 ‘tables look sweeeeeeeeeet!

This table you are speaking on is fantastic looking and while I could not hear a difference in any balanced/unbalance (balun?) the cables would make it look even cooler!

