In the year 2000, veteran radio DJ William Goldsmith took a leap of faith and launched Radio Paradise, a streaming internet radio station. Tired of having to conform with the strict regulations and formatting restrictions of commercial radio, William vowed to bring his vision for radio to the world. Over two decades later, Radio Paradise is thriving with four high quality radio streams being delivered to hundreds of thousands of listeners worldwide.
In this episode, we sit down with William to discuss the past, present and possible future of Radio Paradise. From how new music is selected to the importance of lossless audio to the expansion of musical genres and live Virtual Reality broadcasts, we get an inside look at the station’s operations and plans for the years to come. And not content just to deliver great music to the world, William also wants to help make the world a better place with the company’s new project, Radio 2050. Check out this episode for a glimpse at the future of internet radio.
Where to listen:
- Apple Podcasts
- Google Podcasts
- Amazon Music
- Spotify
- YouTube
- iHeart Radio
- Spreaker
- Stitcher
- Deezer
- Castbox
- Podcast Addict
- Pod-chaser
- TuneIn
Watch the full video podcast interview on YouTube.
- Hosted by: eCoustics Editor at-Large, Chris Boylan
- Original intro music by The Arc of All.
- Voice Over Provided by Todd Harrell of SSP Unlimited.
- Production by Mitch Anderson, Black Circle Studios.

May 13, 2023 at 5:37 pm
Very nice, Chris and thank you!
So then, while in Hawaii was Mr. Goldsmith at KPOI or KKUA? Along with those two stations I used to listen to a “looped tape” station out of (I think) Maui or Kaui called “All Beatles Radio”.
If I listen to terrestrial stations at all they are primarily College Jazz format wherein the DJ talks about who played on what and does not ramble on (kinda like me) about what they had for breakfast or tries to make fun of people with prank calls…I hate stupid stuff that appeals to the LCD of today’s society. I am far from a cultured individual but I have no interest in “reality-based shows”.
FYI, I am still listening to some of spAmazon’s Atmos encoded music. It is still nice. 🙂
Thank you again.
Chris Boylan
May 23, 2023 at 5:59 pm
Hey, ORT,
Apparently Bill was at KPOI for a while, not sure if it was the 70s, 80s or 90s, but sometime during those decades. You should definitely check out Radio Paradise. On the Denon receivers, you can either do the Radio Paradise app on your phone, Bluetooth to receiver, or go to HEOS app, select “TuneIn” and search on TuneIn for “Radio Paradise” – it’s the first search result. According to William, TuneIn doesn’t do the Lossless (FLAC) stream, but it still sounds damn good on TuneIn through HEOS. Have fun!
May 27, 2023 at 12:24 am
Thanks Christ, I will do that tonight!
May 27, 2023 at 12:28 am
“Chris” not the “Christ”, LOL! See what happens when you are a fumble fingered seasoned citizen?! LOL!
Now I’m going to Hades!!
May 27, 2023 at 3:24 am
Hi Chris!
Radio Paradise Mellow Mix- The first three songs I heard were:
Peace on Saturn: Erik Scott (any relation to Tom Scott?)
Lost In The Dream: The War On Drugs
Wish You Were Here: The Floyd(!) (Pink Floyd)
I need to relax more, believe me. As evidenced, I cannot even type let alone make sense. I have saved this to my HEOS Favorites right when The Floyd came on! My late brother was a tremendous Pink Floyd enthusiast.
One Big Love: Patty Griffin
Thank you again!