In this episode meet Randy, aka cheapaudioman. He’s built-up one of fastest growing hi-fi channels on YouTube of 2020-2021, in-part by shedding light on the absurdities of the high-end audio industry. Learn about the origins of his channel, what he thinks is wrong with the audio industry, and what it means to be an audiophile. Randy has proven that getting good sound at home doesn’t need to be expensive if you know what to look for. By mixing humor and advice, Randy is welcoming a new generation of audiophiles who want to both enjoy their home stereo and have some fun at the same time.
Where to listen:

- Randall Messman, aka Cheapaudioman
- Brian Mitchell – Founder & CEO
Videos mentioned:
- Cheapaudioman’s first YouTube video
- Between Two Speakers with Ron Brenay of New Record Day (Episode 1)
Watch Cheapaudioman:
- YouTube @cheapaudioman
Follow & Support Cheapaudioman:
- Original intro and outro music by The Arc of All.
- Voice Over Provided by Todd Harrell of SSP Unlimited.
- Production by Mitch Anderson, Black Circle Studios.

John Scheppler
October 6, 2021 at 5:00 pm
Great interview and Randy “The Cheapaudioman” is changing the audio and YouTube community for the best.
February 6, 2022 at 5:17 pm
The cheapaudioman is somewhat of an acquired taste. First pass at his site was memorable but a bit unimpressive but I went back. Soon his is among the top 3 sites that I visit on a regular basis for audio. His no-nonsense (ok, ok a LOT of nonsense …) approach to audio is informative and interesting. So far, he seems to “tell it as he sees it”, very refreshing.
Ian White
February 6, 2022 at 6:23 pm
We rather like Randy. He’s a good guy and we like his approach.
Ian White