Cyrus Audio is a very unique brand. They have never really played by the same rules or followed the popular trends to make audio magazines bite. It’s a brand that does things thinking about the long-term and how its devoted customer base might want to upgrade their system down the road without too much effort.
Products like the new Cyrus Audio PSU-XR Power Supply for its XR series that we reviewed in 2022 are not an inexpensive upgrade but a worthwhile one from the perspective that you’re not replacing the amplifier or source; you are simply improving the all-important power supply that does have a significant impact on the overall performance of the component.
I waited well over a decade to finally audition a Cyrus Audio system and I must say that I sent it back feeling quite satisfied; it does things differently than comparable products from Rega, Naim, and Cambridge Audio and definitely marches to its own drummer.

The PSU-XR is the first power supply from Cyrus to have its own built-in microprocessor; enabling it to talk to the product it is connected to, providing the best configuration of power sources demanded by the host product.
Flexibility is at the heart of the PSU-XR design, as it can work with all of the products from the current XR range.
It has also been developed to be future-proof, with all XR products still to be launched — including the Blu-OS XR streamer — which will require only a simple software update to enable it to talk to the PSU-XR.
As with every product in the XR series, noise has been reduced wherever possible, and the PSU-XR is no different. Output voltages from the PSU-XR are all digitally controlled, so therefore are extremely stable and virtually noise free.

Ceri Williamson, Head of R&D at Cyrus Audio says, “The PSU-XR is our best performing power supply, capable of providing up to 60% more power than the award winning PSX-R2 and due to its revolutionary design, is up to 50% more efficient.”
“The sonic improvements made when connecting the PSU-XR to a host XR product have been outstanding in our opinion”, says Chris Hutcheson, Head of Marketing, “however, as with every Cyrus Audio product, we encourage you to take some of your favourite music to your local retailer and let your ears convince you!”
The Cyrus Audio PSU-XR — alongside the rest of the XR line-up — will be demonstrated at this year’s Bristol Hi-Fi show from Friday 24th – Sunday 26th February 2023.

PSU-XR Specification
- Low voltage supply – Standby mode +5V DC
- Low voltage supply – Operational +5V DC
- Fixed voltage supply – Standby mode 0V
- Fixed voltage supply – Operational +24V DC
- Variable supply – Standby mode 0V
- Variable supply – Regulated +10V to +45V DC
- Variable supply – Unregulated +45V or +56V DC
- Size (H x W x D) 75 x 215 x 355 mm (2.95” x 8.46” x 13.98”)
- Weight 7.7kg (17lbs)
Price & Availability
The Cyrus Audio PSU-XR is available now, priced £2,395 / €2,895 / $2,850.
For more information:
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Christopher Hamill
January 10, 2023 at 12:22 pm
if you pay another fortune for this you are a fool,get real!
Ian White
January 10, 2023 at 3:18 pm
1. I’m going to mark you down as a firm ‘no’ for this one.
My experience over the years with Cyrus, Linn, Rega, and Naim components that can be “upgraded” with external power supplies has been a mixed bag. Some made a real difference — others made zero difference.
Ian White