Comments on: Swedish Graphic Artist, Andreas Samuelsson, Finds a Living Example Where Form Meets Function in the Amphion Argon3S everything hi-fi Wed, 06 Mar 2024 22:46:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: ORT Wed, 06 Mar 2024 22:46:58 +0000 It is far easier and more socially acceptable to hide criticism in flattery than either praise or castigation. I prefer humour.

Exempli gratia: I once upset my wife and our friends when we were at an art gallery and I said to the attendant that I preferred Andrew Wyeth to Picasso as I care not for the strangeness of the latter’s “art” and found it without merit.

The lady then asked me what if any artists’ work did I personally own and admire. I replied that I had a collection of Leroy Nieman’s work all from the early ’70s and she feigned being impressed until I revealed to all present that it was a collection of his “Burger King” prints (offered free with the purchase of a Whopper!) from the ’72 Summer Games of the Olympics.

Ars Gratia Artis? Maybe. In my case the words of the great philosopher Popeye describes my Philistine’s take on this version of “art” –

“Sum id quod sum”, i.e., “I yam what I yam”.

Gaius Petronius ORTbiter

El posto scripto – In truth, I think the speakers look very nice indeed! Nothing at all looks bad about them. I would wager they reproduce music very nicely.
