Comments on: Sonus faber Lumina I: The Audiophile Bella Donna everything hi-fi Thu, 08 Sep 2022 02:51:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ian White Thu, 08 Sep 2022 02:51:25 +0000 In reply to Ian White.


A little story going back to 1998 when I was just starting out in the world of high-end audio journalism. I was covering the Top Audio A/V Show in Milan for another publication and knew going over that Rosh Hashanah was happening that week. I wasn’t totally comfortable being away from family over the High Holidays, but I had made a commitment to cover the show and I went. While in Milan, I made the point of finding a Shul near the Il Duomo so that I could daven during Rosh Hashanah. It was over an hour by train from our hotel in the suburbs, but I never missed a service even with the show going on.

Mr. “I’m a self-hating Jew” even made Ken Kessler and Steve Rochlin come into the city with me so that we could all do the proper mitzvot away from our families.

One night at the show, we were fortunate to have dinner with the late-Ken Ishiwata of Marantz/Rotel and Peter Qvortrup of Audio Note. When Ken saw me wearing a kippah, he wished me a “Shana Tova” in his broken English. I’m a lone wolf in this industry when it comes to being an observant Jew and very vocal supporter of Israel.

Go find some other self-hating idiot to insult.

Ian White

By: Ian White Thu, 08 Sep 2022 02:41:17 +0000 In reply to Howard Crane.


I’m an Orthodox Jew who is kosher and sends his kids to Yeshiva. I’m active in 3 organizations that promote Holocaust awareness and the former Director of Marketing for Jewish Federation. I spend countless hours raising money for my own shul, volunteer at Jewish organizations, and pray 3 times a day.

You might want to read the article more carefully and realize that I’m a very proud and observant Jew who did not grow up that way.

Other than that…you pegged me correctly.

Aharon Weisshaus

By: Howard Crane Wed, 07 Sep 2022 22:16:44 +0000 Mr. White could have written an interesting article without demeaning the beliefs and religious practices of his own people. Does he think that bragging about eating non kosher food while ignoring attendance at holiday celebrations that are specifically commanded in the Bible impresses anyone? He should be proud of his heritage and represent his relatives who survived and did not survive the Holocaust with dignity and appreciation rather than brag about his own personal hedonism.

By: Ian White Mon, 05 Sep 2022 14:43:49 +0000 In reply to ORT.


The Wenge finish is nice, but the lighter color shows up better.

The midrange is really quite something.

Iano Loren

By: ORT Mon, 05 Sep 2022 14:30:11 +0000 “Silence, foul (fowl?) Temptress!”

“Oh, let me have a little of the peril?”

Good looking speakers, especially so with the walnut front.

ORT The Chaste

By: Bernard Sine Mon, 02 May 2022 19:06:28 +0000 Hi Ian,

I am considering a system built around the Sonus Faber Lumina 1’s…smallish 9.5 x 12 sitting room/den. Would the NAD C316 BEE V2 or say a C328 have enough grunt for these? Or should I be looking at more juice? Maybe a Rega Brio or AudioLab 6000A? Would like to keep amp under $1500 CDN. Source will be a turntable…either a mid-range Rega, ProJect or Technics, then a streamer down the road. Your thoughts?

By: Ian White Mon, 31 Jan 2022 18:56:03 +0000 In reply to Nevio.


I have not been in years. I must return. Toronto is totally dead to me if it’s gone.

The Lumina I need power to really open up. I’ve not heard the Pro-Ject amp so I can’t really say how it would sound. I do own a Pro-Ject phono stage and Nagaoka MP-110 so thumbs up there. I have reviewed their CD players and liked them a lot.

REL subwoofer would work really well with it.

Rotel would be a better option with them to be honest. I’m sure about the price difference.

Ian White

By: Nevio Mon, 31 Jan 2022 18:02:10 +0000 I was thinking to replace my current Focal’s with these speakers. Wondering what your thoughts would be if I integrated them into the following system:
– Project Audio MAIA DS2 integrated amp and the DS2 cd player,
– Project Audio Carbon Esprit (with Nagaoka MP150) and a
– REL Tzero
– I stream an iPad using bluetooth to the amp

PS – Bitondo’s was fantastic and a Toronto classic.

By: Ian White Sun, 14 Nov 2021 16:26:36 +0000 In reply to Robert Karlsson.

100% agree.

The REL T5x would work just as well for less. Especially if you have a smaller room.


By: Robert Karlsson Sun, 14 Nov 2021 15:17:57 +0000 Naim Uniti Atom all the way with these. Style and style, plus the Naim PRaT to liven things up. Throw in a REL T7x, Tellurium Q Black II wires and a AQ Vodka eArc HDMI for the TV. $5600 list for all…

Tv sound, all the streaming and super looks. Done and done, with style!
