Comments on: Schiit’s URD CD Transport Feels Like A Polished Digital Hub everything hi-fi Mon, 17 Jul 2023 14:35:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ian White Mon, 17 Jul 2023 14:35:55 +0000 In reply to ORT.


I’m sticking with the CD60 as well. I like the design of the URD and don’t think it looks like a polished one.

3 nights in Canada has turned me into a poet laureate.

Ian White

By: ORT Sat, 15 Jul 2023 03:12:17 +0000 How doth one pare down that which is already pared to thee bone dry basics? How can this be made more austere in appearance? This is the very essence of what many claim to seek in a CD Player that cannot “play”, i.e., a CD Transport. A transport just “reads” the bits and sends them to a DAC or rather an “OOB-D, Out Of Body-DAC” to turn the bitses into soundses.

Not my choice but it is THE choice for a great many folks, more than a few of whom I am honored to call friend. I have a look that I crave in equipment and Schiit is not that look. BFD. It is the desire of many to own a piece of Schiit and quality Schiit at that and they are loyal to the marque with good reason:

Schiit ain’t crap.

I shall continue to save for the Marantz CD60 in silver. Why? Because it does not look like Schiit but I have no doubt that it will perform as well.

Even with its own DAC. 😉


By: Steven D Thu, 13 Jul 2023 23:01:27 +0000 I mean, I’ll be awaiting the reviews for sure, but this appears to be one of the most well thought out pieces of Schiit those guys have done yet. Deliberately high quality parts and engineering decisions all the way through – I’m really impressed! Kinda leaves room for a paired down $600 model too.
