Comments on: Technics SL-G700M2 Network / Super Audio CD Player Unveiled everything hi-fi Wed, 02 Nov 2022 22:28:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tony Belding Wed, 02 Nov 2022 22:28:59 +0000 Can it stream over DAAP protocol from a PC, such as one running RhythmBox for example? Or let’s say. . . Is there another way to make my music library (including playlists!) available from my PC to this unit?

By: Ian White Mon, 10 Oct 2022 14:42:44 +0000 In reply to Tom.


It is very tempting to get Technics to send him one. We met in June in California and he’s a lovely guy. And he’s just as clever in the flesh.

Ian White

By: Tom Mon, 10 Oct 2022 14:10:32 +0000 In reply to Ian White.

When can we expect to see a review by this ORT?

Makes the whole family laugh and want more.

By: Hadji Sun, 09 Oct 2022 13:37:11 +0000 In reply to Richard.

No 5.1 capability? Why? Seems to be an outdated piece of equipment. The technology is there, why not use it and fulfill all the layers of the disc. Obsolete from my perspective.

By: Tim Sat, 08 Oct 2022 22:11:49 +0000 Love the USB-B addition. The other updates, eh, I’m skeptical how much they will matter, if at all. The change of chip is understandable–put it all together, I don’t see it being worth $500 more, but maybe the way inflation has been going we should be grateful it’s not even higher.

By: Ian White Sat, 08 Oct 2022 20:07:17 +0000 In reply to Richard.


With active or powered loudspeakers, it could work as digital hub but I don’t see a volume control feature.

Ian White

By: Richard Sat, 08 Oct 2022 19:10:07 +0000 Ian,

Could this be used as as a pre amp effectively, or do you mostly consider it a source?

By: Ian White Sat, 08 Oct 2022 17:51:56 +0000 In reply to ORT.


“At least Beetlejuice was honest when he said, “We’ve come for your daughter Chuck.”

Line of the year.

Ian White

By: ORT Sat, 08 Oct 2022 14:55:08 +0000 “O, MQA, MAQ, wherefore art thou MQA?
Deny thy blather and refuse not play”…

Refuse, as in TRASH, as in the Codec that’tis MQA.
Refuse as in deny to buy it. The word is a two-edge sword not unlike that which hovered o’er Damocles or mayhap ’twas two-faced Janus but the truth of that is neither is to be fully trusted.

This Technics is a nice looking CD Player and that face plays the food of love that is music.

And the other face, the fa(r)ce of MQA?

More Sybil than Janus and none a one of them is to be trusted, let alone paid for.

At least Beetlejuice was honest when he said, “We’ve come for your daughter Chuck”.

In the case of this Technics CD Player, more’s the pity as it looks nice enough to own but not with Stewie’s Folly to be trollied as a package deal. Lose the Farce and toss the steamer then give it a USB input on the front and for the sake of sales, make it more homage to the SL-P10 and price it no more than $500. That is far from cheap for a medium seeking to be a digital Lazarus.

If Technics is listening I hope they have Emmet Brown on speed-dial…


El Posto Scripto – Please pardon any and all typing errorses.
