Comments on: Marantz CD 60 Compact Disc Player Unveiled: High-End Munich 2022 everything hi-fi Wed, 08 Jun 2022 17:13:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ian White Wed, 08 Jun 2022 17:13:27 +0000 In reply to ORT.

I have the Marantz on my desk. To be started when I return from California.


By: ORT Tue, 07 Jun 2022 03:26:20 +0000 This thing is “sold out” at Best Buy and I have asked several times to be alerted to when they are in stock and they fail to do so every single time…

I have also axed to be alerted when the Denon DCD-900NE is in stock. We shall see…

I am quite frustrated. The black one is currently available through Marantz Direct but not the silver/gold. “Sigh”…I try to buy local when ever possible.

In truth, I do NOT neeeeeeeeeeeeeeed one of these or the DCD-900NE but I reeeeeeeeeeeally WANT one! That is the way of all things audio. At least for me and I am incredibly honest about my stereo addiction to what I can afford.


By: Ian White Thu, 26 May 2022 11:37:56 +0000 In reply to StratoTull.

The audience for DVD-Audio or BD-Audio is so small at this point, I doubt it even figured into their thinking.

SACD I can understand being part of the player for audiophiles who invested a lot of money in the format.

I have a review sample coming next week.


Ian White

By: StratoTull Wed, 25 May 2022 14:43:29 +0000 A thousand dollars for a box that does not play DVD-Audio or BluRay Audio or even SACD? Why?

By: ORT Sat, 21 May 2022 00:43:29 +0000 In reply to Ian White.

Ditto, indeed!

Ian, my brother…You are The Man! You have the Sixth Sense. The Sense of Humor.

In all ways and for always, be well.


By: Ian White Thu, 19 May 2022 13:54:29 +0000 In reply to ORT.





By: ORT Thu, 19 May 2022 09:13:33 +0000 This is gorgeous! Marantz is not just “on a roll”, its design team is, to quote one of the all time great film lines delivered by the talented thespian, Harvey Korman in the roll of Hedley Lamarr that should have won him on Oscar for “Best Supporting Actor” in the seminal Cinematic masterpiece, “Blazing Saddles”:

“My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives.”

In truth, the designers at Marantz must have been chanting that line as they feverishly and ferociously pursued the creation of what is surely a diamond no longer in the rough – the new CD60.

All “pretentiousness” aside, this really is a beautiful piece of kit, worthy of my hard earned, albeit meager means.

I do not merely want one, I desire one. I can hear some of the peanut gallery murmuring softly, “How pathetically, precociously, pretentious of you, ORT! Surely you jest with your flowery language and adroit use of phraseology and are merely damning this with tarted up faint praise?!”

Nope. I like it. A lot. I think it worthy of comparison to Lang’s “fembot” in his magnum opus, “Metropolis”. At once industrial and cold and yet some how warm and inviting. In plain speak, this is totally bitchin’ gear.

How to afford it and a new Pro-Ject Automat A1?

All pretentiousness aside, it really does look cool and invoke some of the admiration I have long held for Lang’s creation. I really wanted the Marantz 40n but it is hard to justify or even rationalize the price of that beauty for such as I. This is less than half the cost and has 100% of the class and style. Time to go on a diet.

Thank you for the preview, Sir Robert of Silva!

