Comments on: Naim Audio NAIT 50 Integrated Amplifier: Review everything hi-fi Sun, 11 Feb 2024 02:20:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rafael Pagan Sun, 11 Feb 2024 02:20:20 +0000 Hello again! An update on the Nait 50. I started using a pair of NAC A5 speaker wire from Naim. The difference vs the QED XT40i, a great cable in my opinion, is not subtle. The sound is much more balanced, it sounds right, as if everything has locked into place. The phonostage on this amp is amazing. The 50 sounds so much better with vinyl than with digital music. I’m using Naim’s own ND5 XS2, a very decent component with great synergy and yet the P3 with an Exact via the internal phonostage is better.
I highly recommend this amp. Noise floor is virtually non existent. Get one before they’re gone.

By: Ian White Tue, 26 Dec 2023 22:58:35 +0000 In reply to Rafael Pagan.


It would certainly work from a power perspective with the Spendor Classic Series, but I would recommend a listen because the new generation of Spendor loudspeakers are decidedly more neutral sounding than the SP2/3e that I owned for 10 years.

The pacing and clarity would be first rate.

The 4/5 might be the only speaker from the range that would be a good match depending on the size of the room and tonal balance.


Ian White

By: Rafael Pagan Tue, 26 Dec 2023 18:38:46 +0000 Hello again! How about a pair of Spendor Classic 4/5 with this amp? Intrigued about that combo. I’m experiencing some forwardness with the Neat Iota Alpha.

By: Ian White Sat, 09 Dec 2023 19:03:15 +0000 In reply to Jake.


Interesting. I love the NAIT 50 but did not love my time with the Emerson. I found it too sterile sounding for my system.

I do agree that the NAIT 50 sounds better than the Uniti Atom. It reminded me of the best Naim amplifiers with even more presence and a larger soundstage.

Enjoy it.

Ian White

By: Jake Fri, 08 Dec 2023 23:44:57 +0000 I replaced my Naim Uniti with a Nait 50 and Emerson Analog DAC/Streamer. The sound upgrade was significant. I won’t go back to an all in one.

By: Rafael Pagan Wed, 06 Dec 2023 23:49:53 +0000 Great review. I’m currently breaking in a Nait 50 fed by an ND5XS2 streamer; speakers are Neat Iota Alpha. The clarity of this amp is far superior to the Nait 5si I own. Bass on the 5si is thicker but not necessarily better. The phono amp is amazingly quiet, although that is one of the defining qualities of this amp. It’s dead quiet. PrAT is usual Naim. Very cool amp. Thank you!

By: ORT Mon, 04 Dec 2023 16:01:56 +0000 Well said, Ian. There is comfort in music (and equipment!) of the past.

Having said that I do think Vereker could have chosen a better way to describe it than the audio acronym, PrAT.

The definition of prat is:

“an incompetent or stupid person; an idiot” or
“a person’s buttocks”

Hmmmm…Both definitions describe frAudiophiles perfectly.

Go figure. The “Sigh End” is often filled with buttheads or as I still prefer to call them (ALERT! ALERT! ALERT!) Asstriches. Think about that portmanteau I just gave you folks…

They (the frAudiophiles) need to read the truth of your words hear in this article as well as others on this site. Some will see the light and hear the song but for the most part The FARCE is too strong within “them”. Fear not.

You know their Gaim.

Keep preaching and more will join the choir my friend.

Me? I’m just a voice, whining in the shillderness of fAudio.


By: Scott Lylander Mon, 04 Dec 2023 15:48:45 +0000 I definitely need a Naim Uniti Atom, nothing has paired so well my the ELAC BS 403 bookshelves than that. I’ll spend the extra on highest tech rather than nostalgia.
