Roon continues to grow at a rather exponential rate and it’s not surprising to see more and more hardware partners join the program. Q1 2022 was a very busy time for the manufacturer that certified 40 new partner devices and has announced a new online store.
I’ve had nothing but success with my Roon Nucleus Music Server so far and recommend it highly if you have a ripped CD collection and want to integrate your TIDAL and Qobuz subscriptions into one place.
New Roon Devices
In the first quarter of 2022, Roon has welcomed over 40 new Roon Ready and Roon Tested devices from over 20 audio brands, including Arcam, Astell & Kern, Cyrus, McIntosh, NAD, Onkyo, Pioneer, Sonus Faber & more.
New devices that are Roon Ready include the recently-launched Sonus Faber Omnia all-in-one wireless speaker, the NAD C399 integrated amplifier with DAC, Dutch & Dutch 8c speakers that have their origins in mixing and mastering studios around the world, and the McIntosh RS150 and RS250 powerful wireless speaker systems.
New Roon Tested devices include the Audiolab Omnia all-in-one system with integrated CD player, three amplifiers from the Cyrus XR series, and 11 A/V receivers in total from Onkyo, Pioneer and Integra – all of which feature Dolby Atmos, HDMI 2.1 and Dirac Live room correction.
Roon Store Debuts
Roon is excited to introduce the Roon Store: a hyper-curated online store dedicated to showcasing the best audio products that work seamlessly with Roon.
Every audio product that achieves Roon Ready or Roon Tested certification goes through hours of rigorous testing and is used daily by the Roon team, who have become experts in the products that work best with Roon. It’s the ideal place for Roon enthusiasts to visit and find out more about their favorite products that are Roon Ready or Roon Tested.
“Over time, we’ve received more and more questions from users about which products have this or that feature, which would be better for a bedroom vs a patio, or which offers the best value at a particular price point. All that interest has inspired us to think about how to provide a new service for Roon users,” said Roon founder and CEO, Enno Vandermeer. “Shopping for audio gear online isn’t especially easy or fun, so we decided to do for the audio shopping experience what Roon itself did for music browsing and discovery.”
The Roon team has also created its own content for the online store, including new photography, video tutorials, and insights about the features and performance of each product. The goal is to make sure customers have everything they need to get the best out of their Roon-certified audio product.
The Roon Store launched with a limited selection of products in a single category: the all-in-one Roon Ready speaker, featuring models from Bluesound, Devialet and Dutch & Dutch – with more coming soon. You can also buy Roon’s own Nucleus and Nucleus Plus music servers from the store.
Visit the Roon Store:
For the full list of Roon partner brands and every Roon Ready and Roon Tested device available, visit:
Related reading: Roon Me for Life: Transforming Your Digital Music Listening Experience

April 2, 2022 at 1:29 am
And now I shall break with some folk here that enjoy music as much as I do and whom I very much respect. Why? Because I found Romper Roon to be worth less. I received a three month trial via Denon and two months in I had not found any reason to pay for the service and so cancelled. I found it to be better than MQA but then so is an elephant fart.
That is called damning with faint praise, folks. 😉
But just because it is worth less to me does not mean that is true for others. It does not organize any of my music any better than MusicBee (and I rarely, if ever, use that program). I do not need it to organize my movies or my subscriptions to Pandora, Amazon Music or SiriusXM. It could not organize my 19,000+ songs on my computer any better than Musicbee, in truth it failed miserably. Yup. It kinda sorta sucked at that and I (double entendre ALERT!) refuse to pay for things that kinda sorta suck.
I neither want nor need Tidal (Bowl) or Q-whatever (that names sucks. Really. Who “thought” of that name. It is the name of a two-stringed gord, is it not? OoooOoooo…How visceral. How primordially primitive. How…Weird. And if I did want either of those “services” I certainly do not require Roon to do anything of worth for me that I cannot do my self.
With the music services I have I have (*GASP*!) presets to access the music I like most and a search function to look up by album, artist, et al. Easy-Peasy-Without-Roon-Easy. Pandora’s logarithm has worked great for over a decade now to introduce me to new (not “Gnu”!) and even older and unintentionally forgotten music and when it accidentally puts cRap or Hic-Hop in there I give it the Thumbs Down and/or ax it why it played that shit in the first place and tell it to NEVER play that song again. And it does just that for me.
Maybe I should market this method of self evaluation of one’s music and call it “Ribbert Ready by ORT”? I could wax on and off ad nauseam about blah…blah…blah and write oodles of fAd Copy (I can do so, believe me, LOL!). Nope. I am not a tailor for the ENC.
Emperor’s New Clothes.
JRiver does not extort like Romper Roon does and I do not need it either but I know more than a few that use and enjoy it. But least JRiver does NOT require you to pay for more than what you decide you need. Oh yeah…Roonies need to buy a life time sub (Roon’s, not yours!) or continue to pay for their updates or…? Yup. PASS.
I listen to what I want to listen to and that is really easy to do with out Roon butting in or axing me for payment.
Romper Roon Ready is fAd Copy. Sheople seem to just love saying “Roon Ready”, especially so the frAudiophiles of Stereopile and TAS. Of course they also genuflect at the alter of Blob Stuart and his turd, MQA. That should speak volumes but then all frAudiophiles read and vomit forth naught but Holy Rote.
Cue the cucks to squeal their PIGment based canards. They can burn in Sheol.
For those that like Roon? Fine. You pay for it. 🙂 Again, I tried it and found it so use less that I cancelled it two months in to a three month free trial. I do not “get it”, ergo I will not pay for it. Romper Roon Ready. FTN and PASS.
It ain’t unleaved manna, ya know…Just sayin’.
ORT The Grumpy. 😉 🙂