Timing is everything. The Schiit Audio Folkvangr Headphone Amplifier being released when energy costs are at an all-time high and replacement tubes are not exactly inexpensive, is the ultimate display of chutzpah.
We like it. A lot. Go bold or go home.
The $1,800 Folkvangr is the most expensive Schiit headphone amplifier so far and an interesting move by a brand that has made its name offering high-end components that are very affordable and made in America.
We expect nothing less from Jason Stoddard and Mike Moffat and fresh off our review of the Schiit Audio Ragnarok 2 Integrated Amplifier that has one of the best internal headphone amplifiers of any integrated amplifier currently available, the Folkvangr looks even more intriguing.
The Schiit Folkvangr uses 10 tubes and that’s likely to raise some eyebrows at a time when supply chain issues exacerbated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have made tube rolling extremely problematic and expensive.
The last time I had to worry about 10 tubes was back in 2001 when I owned the Emotive Audio Sira Pre-Amplifier which utilized 18 tubes and as wonderful as that component was — the tube situation was less than ideal.
Jason Stoddard has always been quite funny and his announcement of the $1,800 USD Schiit Audio Folkvangr makes us want to try it even more.
“So, how do you explain a 10-tube headphone amp that, gets super hot, measures terribly, connects your headphones directly to the tubes, and is launching at a time when tubes, well, are still kinda stinky to get ahold of? In short: you don’t.”Jason Stoddard, Schiit Audio

The first DC-coupled, output transformerless (OTL) and output capacitorless (OCL) headphone amp, the Folkvangr also includes an 8X impedance multiplier to increase versatility with low-impedance headphones. The tube burning Folkvangr is limited to a 250-piece run.
“Folkvangr is completely bonkers,” Jason Stoddard, Schiit’s co-founder and head of analog development, said. “There’s no other way to put it. There’s no reason for a 10-tube amp that dissipates 100 watts at idle, to produce only about a watt or so at its best. It measures very badly, and it’s not what we’d use for any kind of IEM. But it’s the answer to a question that’s bugged me for years–what do tubes really sound like–and, at least to me, it sounds very good.”
Stoddard further explained that he’s always wondered what a direct-coupled tube amp would sound like, so, a few years ago, spurred on by their surplus stock of 6N1P and 6N6P tubes, he decided to design one. Design iteration led to what he considered a great-sounding amp, so he started the process of putting it into production.
“We didn’t intend this to be a limited-edition amp at first,” Jason Stoddard admitted. “But tubes have become more expensive and much harder to get. So, to keep classic designs like Valhalla 2 in production, we decided to limit the number of Folkvangrs we would make.”
Stoddard also explained he didn’t expect Folkvangr to be a big seller in any case, since it’s a very hot-running, impractical amplifier that doesn’t put out an especially large amount of power.
For those who are interested in Schiit’s all-out tube headphone amp, Folkvangr uses a total of 10 tubes–two matched 6N1Ps for input and voltage gain, and eight 6N6Ps for output. Eight separate DC servos keep the output tubes at a low level of offset, and an analog-computer-style protection system monitors and mutes the output in case of any tube mishaps.
At idle, the 10 tubes run 7.2A of heater current and 100mA of standing bias.
In addition to the tubes, Folkvangr offers a switchable impedance multiplier—an electronic circuit that operates similar to a transformer. Stoddard emphasizes this is “not a buffer, it’s output is in parallel with the tube stage, and has the same distortion profile.”
The impedance multiplier makes 32 ohm headphones look like 256 ohm headphones to the amp, which is a much better load for tubes. The impedance multiplier is also completely switchable out of the circuit, so owners can choose to use only tubes.
The Folkvangr also features an oversized, 400VA transformer and discrete-regulated high-voltage rails at +/-100V and +200V. Coupled with over 10,000uF of filter capacitance (yes, on a tube amp), the headphone amplifier is definitely overkill.
Prospective customers may also notice the new-style, new-form-factor chassis design, which provides maximum tube exposure for best heat dissipation.
Like all Schiit products, Folkvangr is made in the USA—specifically, designed and and built in California. The vast majority of the total cost of the product, including chassis and PC boards, go to US-based companies manufacturing in the USA.
Folkvangr is available to order now at Schiit.com for $1799.
Related reading: See all headphone amplifier articles

June 29, 2022 at 11:34 am
More than a few Schiitizens® in the “Schiit Happens” (“Excrement Occurs”?!) thread over at Head-Fi have ordered this beauty for themselves and to that I say, “HUZZAH!”
Ian White
June 29, 2022 at 1:07 pm
That is going to be some hot Schiit in the summer.
June 30, 2022 at 1:21 am
Yup, it sure will be! But it will make an excellent heater come winter! 🙂
This thing is quite stunning in a homage to Fritz Lang’s “Metropolis” kinda-sorta way. Shallow of me, I know. But in my eyes it is quite a looker.
Филипп Лыков
July 3, 2022 at 12:04 pm
It’s quite a good solution for a transformerless amplifier. Nothing to lsugh at and call names for.
Ian White
July 3, 2022 at 1:32 pm
He’s been very complimentary about it for days.
ORT’s sense of humor is for those who can think and chew gum at the same time.
Gunga lagunga.
Ian White
Jim Voos
June 30, 2022 at 8:53 pm
I just bought a nice tube amp 3 weeks ago, and now I have Two.🙏
June 30, 2022 at 3:09 pm
Schiit is always revolutionary in their designs. And they are the first American HiFi company to bring HiEnd sound to the masses at an affordable price. Owning several of Schiits’ products, I am intrigued by their Folkvangr. It’s an irreverent work of audio sculpture that appears to sound quite good (based on some early reviews). The fact that it is a limited production product only makes it more desireable. I have no doubt that the Folvangr will
sell out quickly. I do wonder if Jason and Mike will do another run of this neat headphone amplifier in the future.
July 1, 2022 at 2:49 am
For those intredasted, this Amp is made from a pureblock of the rarest of all elements…Schiitonium®™ and ancient Runes (what Roon wishes it were!) proves inconceivably (and yes, I do know what that word means!) that this is the same Schiit that the Mighty Mjölnir was rumored to be wrought of.
Only the Purest of The Ancient forebears (referred to in hushed, dulcet tones of genuflective reverence as The Schiitites®™ and not to be confused with the less ancient idiot Tribe of Foreskins) of today’s Schiitizens (and again, not to be confused with either the Three Bears or the 3Stooges) were capable of forging Schiitonium®™.
Forge-tuitous (yes,’tis a true and ancient Schiitite word) as it may seem, Sir Jason of Stoddard is a Direct Descendant of the Mighty Schiitites®™, possessing DNA so…so…sooooo pure, as to scarcely qualify as being humanoid and moreso a god (small “g”).
I think that they are already sold out. Seems like every one wants a piece of pure Schiitonium®™. Because Schiit ain’t crap.
Jim Reinhart
September 29, 2023 at 2:26 am
AWESOME! Direct Drive to the headphones! How about an old idea with it’s time that is come, an Electrostatic speaker without transformers!!!! I would be the first in line but please don’t make it so hot I can heat my house like the Pioneer M-22 in the winter and high electric bills in the summer with 2 fans under underneath where the transistors were.
Being Danish with my Grandmother being from Zealand Isle and Grand Father was a (oh my god, not possible for the marriage to last Juteland)! They used the mother’s last name and Iceland still does and now we know that Dan-ish went to New Zealand from the south tip of Africa and America, around the world long before textbooks dare say.
Smorgasbord is the way they eat with so many pots and plates it’s amazing how the women cook and love watching everyone eat until stuffed! It ain’t America.
James Reinhart
September 29, 2023 at 2:32 am
Martin Logan CLS with no transformer with your tech would be heaven (unbelievable sound from the first version) with perhaps a crossover at 80 would be nice. It would be up to the buyer to select the 2 way active or passive Crossover and as fast a bass driver that exists with another Schiit Amp like the Tyr. The shortest way connecting the two (i.e. the simplest) is usually the pretty darn good.