Comments on: Thorens TD 1500 Turntable: Review everything hi-fi Thu, 04 Apr 2024 02:36:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rafael Pagan Thu, 04 Apr 2024 02:36:23 +0000 Greetings. I’m considering this turntable to be used with a Nait 50 and a pair of Neat Iota Alpha, pretty much a neutral sounding combination. As per your description of the Thorens sound, it just may be what my system needs. Currently using a P3 that while “musical”, can sometimes become fatiguing in my system. The Ortofon Bronze’s specs seem to be a good match for the Nait’s phonostage. I appreciate your opinion and recommendation.


By: Ian White Sat, 16 Mar 2024 18:52:07 +0000 In reply to Doctor Fine.


I can see the DL-103 being really good on this table. I might use one on a TD-125 that I am having restored at the end of 2024.


Ian White

By: Doctor Fine Sat, 16 Mar 2024 15:01:44 +0000 I bought two TD1500 and sandwiched an extra weight onto the counterweight(a drilled out washer from Home Depot for 50 cents. This allowed running a heavy head shell from Audio Technica (18gr) and using the super stiff low compliance Denon DL103 as my preferred LOMC.

The arm is very stout much like a vintage Fidelity Research arm I use on a turntable in my office. But much better. The sound quality with DL103 (ML stylus and ruby cantilever)is superb and miles ahead of what a 2M Bronze can do. By far my best audio source component at this point.

Background groove noise is jet black quiet. Timbre on the top end is clear, no tizz or buzz and extends far beyond any digital I have compared to it including my Denafrips Pontus at 24/192.

The suspension seems not only to help isolation, but drains off noise generated by the playing process. I didn’t used to “get it” with suspended spring designs but have changed my opinion having owned these tables. The suspension seems to add an extra dose of magic.

The only problem encountered was that the phono connection grounding required a loop around both output plug terminals and connection with the grounding lug at the table. Only by doing this grounding strap was all noise totally and completely vanquished. When I say it is hum free I mean exactly that. Nothing even with a two thousand watt system playing on “11”!

I would not be surprised if this new Thorens is not the best general purpose high end turntable deal on the market today. An instant classic. And it looks so vintage it fits my esthetic taste to perfection. Thank you Thorens for making my day.

By: Phil Morris Sat, 06 Jan 2024 11:35:35 +0000 Have only just retired a 150, modified by me, and in use since1967. With Hadcock unipivot and ATC mc, still sounds excellent. Now have Rega and aphelion. Happy bunny.

By: Ian White Thu, 04 Jan 2024 15:25:14 +0000 In reply to ORT.


I like that.

Although I must concede that the Michell Gyro SE will be my final deck for the long haul.

My 3 Thorens decks will remain until each kid gets married and I will let them have one of them. I may keep the TD-160 Super with the 2M Black for my office system. My eldest really likes the Yamaha YP-701.


By: ORT Wed, 03 Jan 2024 20:01:35 +0000 Familiarity breeds…Comfort.

This ‘table looks and delivers just that. For those out there who have never experienced the past think of it this way.

No matter what turntable you buy today, it will become a part of your life and in a “few” years it will be tastefully woven into your past. Waiting for the future to become a present to those who know you now and then. Familiarity has “family in it, ya know.

Take comfort it that.

