Comments on: Vivid Audio’s Moya M1 $450,000 Loudspeakers Might Require a Conversation With Your Accountant everything hi-fi Tue, 09 Apr 2024 11:16:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nephalim Tue, 09 Apr 2024 11:16:15 +0000 In reply to ORT.

Hilarious review 😃😃😃you can’t help but laugh it was well thought out and put together.Thing is it will get sold and someone will enjoy just cause they can because we might never get to own such a product doesn’t mean it will be a waste of money we have to learn to appreciate the things we may never get to embrace

By: DARIO VIDAL Mon, 08 Apr 2024 19:30:37 +0000 In reply to David Leingang.

You are absolutely right.

By: David Leingang Sat, 06 Apr 2024 23:42:08 +0000 Stated Frequency Range -6dB: 19 Hz – 42,000 Hz. And the human ear caps out at 20,000 Hz, yes?

By: Tim Sat, 06 Apr 2024 22:54:22 +0000 Aren’t worth $450 considering how ugly they are !
Wow…. this hobby has gone cuckoo for coco puffs.

By: ORT Wed, 03 Apr 2024 22:29:28 +0000 Moya was a female Leviathan on the SciFi Outer Space TV show from Jim Henson.

This is a Land-locked Leviathan of a speaker. The price is even Leviathanesque. Only someone with the wealth of the immortal Sheik Yerbouti could easily afford this let alone hope to enjoy it. One must have an appetite (and ego) for the ridiculously overspendgineered.

This looks like something Lord Michael of Fremer would salivate over like a slug on a saltwater sidewalk. One can only dream of the highlarious PRATlle that would pepper the fAd Copy of that review…Pffft!

It looks like the afterbirf of an infant Leviathan, left to float in space until it came in contact with the unwavering, gravitational pull of a frAudiophilian’s Priapic EGO where upon it landed fully formed in the Holy of Rollers. The “Listening Room”. That or a Brontosaurus turd from the remake of “Bringing Up Baby”.

Just when you held high hopes that the High End would embrace affordability and abandon fraudability, this turdle waddles onto the scene. What if you have to vacuum under it? Will you announce to all present in the fashion of Lucilla in “Gladiator”, “It was a Turdle of Roam. Honor it.” (Gracchus) “Who will help me shovel shit?”

I would say more but…Okay. I will. More. And now I abide in abject fear that somewhere…out there…some idiot just dropped Acid and has had an epifanny (i.e., his head up his buttocks like an Asstrich) and by Bacchus he can do “more”!

As Bill the Cat would say, “Ack!”

ORTics Vinicius Ridikalus
