Comments on: DALI’s IO-12 Wireless Headphones Are Finally Available in North America for $1,300 everything hi-fi Sat, 11 Nov 2023 09:22:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ian White Fri, 03 Nov 2023 18:43:29 +0000 In reply to ORT.


And you have that going for you. Which is nice.

Ian “I think this place is restricted Wang, so don’t tell em you’re Jewish” White

By: ORT Fri, 03 Nov 2023 17:20:55 +0000 “I think playtime’s just about over”…

“The Dali IO-12 itself. Twelfth one of this year. The flowing leather, the grace, the build quality… striking.”

But, time to talk about the big but in every audio/video purchase. Is the Dali $1,300 knockout game me striking? Ummmmm…Nope. Focal’s Bathys looks three times as nice at nigh on a third the cost. Bowers & Wilkins’ Ps7 are $399 and now come in ORTish green and git-r-dun with the aplomb of Sean Connery at his best.

Features are useless if one has no need of them. Some brands models offer several levels of ANC and listening modes. I just want to hear my music while not looking like I was rejected by the 80s band, “Flock of Seagulls” for my classic good looks.

However, good looks, build quality and accurate sound reproduction along with durability and real world value for one’s money should be considered necessities in a product that is more a want than a need.

I am certain these will appeal to devotees of Dali (Salvador, can you ‘ear me?) but I am more an admirer of His Holiness, aka The One. Carl Spackler. Which is nice.

When is enough actually enough?

For me it is when I can admire something new without it becoming something I just want. I just bought a new TV after having my curved Samsung for almost 7 years. Picture quality and even sound are demonstrably better with the two sources I have tried out on it so far.

There are new wireless ‘phones out there and I cannot buy them all so I will trust my friends here and in my family (I tend to buy stuff for them!) to tell me not only what they think about something but also how it makes them feel once it is theirs.

Enough ramblin’.

