Comments on: FiiO’s Q15 Flagship Portable Headphone/DAC Amplifier Was Not Meant For Your Pocket everything hi-fi Fri, 24 Nov 2023 07:14:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Asa Tue, 21 Nov 2023 01:28:46 +0000 In reply to Ian White.

Have the DT 770 Studio 80 ohm for reference. Seems like both should easily drive them.


By: Ian White Mon, 20 Nov 2023 17:29:03 +0000 In reply to Asa.


Until Will and I get a chance to listen — don’t know yet. It depends on the headphones for sure.

Will let you know what we discover.

Ian White

By: Asa Mon, 20 Nov 2023 17:04:04 +0000 Ian –

Is there a reason to choose the Diablo2 over this? The Q15 also considerably less expensive than the red monster. It seems obvious, but maybe I’m missing something. For the most part, it will sit on my night stand, plugged in – whether at home or in a hotel.


By: ORT Mon, 20 Nov 2023 14:52:18 +0000 Well said and for more than a few folks, true indeed. Thank you!

I get by with either my iPhone and Bose Soundwear Companion or my ancient, recently unearthed on a dig in the Hall Closet and painstakingly cleaned and charged FiiO X1.

At this very moment I am listening to The Skyliners sing “This I Swear”. It sounds like…music. And that is what it is all about.


By: 123Peter Sun, 19 Nov 2023 09:41:35 +0000 Each of us has different needs related to our audio equipment. Although the size of the portable Q15 amplifier may seem a bit overwhelming, it’s worth noting that there are numerous situations where such equipment becomes invaluable.

Here lies the strength of portable devices – in their versatility. Thanks to them, we can enjoy excellent sound during business trips, relaxing vacations, or even in everyday situations when we want to move between rooms. This doesn’t mean we have to carry them every day – but when the time for travel, remote work, or moments of relaxation comes, a portable amplifier becomes a true ally.

Why choose something portable? Well, portable devices give us freedom – the ability to improve sound quality where it’s more challenging to achieve using larger, stationary equipment. This doesn’t exclude the benefits of also having stationary devices – it’s rather an additional option, tailored to specific contexts and needs

By: ORT Sat, 18 Nov 2023 01:54:59 +0000 Portable?! Not only izzit HUUUUGE it’s got that MQA nonsense!

I just can’t see carrying this brick around with me rubber banded or velcro’d to a phone. Most headphone enthusiasts have TT-RA – Tiny T-Rex Arms and I doubt they could carry this and a huuuge phone for very long. Of course they could have developed “Fiddler Crab Syndrome” from years of carrying early more gigantic DAP/DAC/AMP setups. One gigantic arm…

Yeah…”Fiddler Crab Syndrome” from carrying “portable audio”…That’s the ticket!

I can see ’em walkin’ aboot a CanJam hopin’ & prayin’ some Event Hostess will ax ’em:

“Izzat a Q15 in yer pocket or are ye jess glad to see me, laddie?!

ORT Makenzie
